Saturday, February 15, 2025

New Registration form


I agree to engage myself as commissionaire member in the Corps founded in 1964 amended by the Nigerian Legion Interim Management Decree 25 of 1977, and further amended by Nigerian Legion Decree No. 37 of 1988, with Federal Repulic of Nigeria official Gazette No. 64 vol. 75 dated 30th September, 1988 as amended on condition that the principles and rules of the institution are strictly to conform strictly maintained and to conform strictly to all Rules and Regulations made by thee Commandant General and his, successors from time to time for the maintenance of discipline and order in the Corps.
I fully understand that I have no claim on any officer, or member of the Corps for payment of any kind, and that I am dependent solely on my own exertions for remuneration.
I agree to pay, or be responsible for the payment of such sums as may be chargeable to me under the Rules of the Corps for Clothing, Gadgets, Equipment, General Fund, and any claims connected with the Corps which the Corps may be called upon to pay on my account on account of my default or negligence.
I also agree, in case of my resignation, discharge, absconded or dismissal from the Corps, to forfeit all sums I have paid on these account and to return at once all the clothing, and equipment with which I have been at any time furnished.
I further understand and agree that if at any time during my service in the Corps, I become incapacitated from doing my duty as Officer of the Auxiliary Arms in consequence of any disqualification arising from my health, which the Medical officer may certify to be of chronic nature, I shall be liable to be struck off the strength of the Corps.
I have carefully read all the Rules of the Corps, which I perfectly and by which I agree to abide, as well as by all others which may be made from time to time by the Officer in command of the Corps for the time being, or of the Division to which I am attached.